This book series is one of the best. Douglas
Adams is one of the most creative and entertaining author's I
have ever read, and the only author so far that has written a
book that I could read more than once. I have read the series
four times. A book highly suggested for anyone that likes to
This is a relatively new series of books and the first thing I have known this author to publish. It is of the fantasy genre, and even though I can not normally bring myself to read fantasy, I have found this author to be excelent. I have personnely never had an author provoke so much emotion from so many different aspects while reading a book.
"Mists of Avalon" and it's sequel "Lady of Avalon" were both written by Marion Zimmer Bradley. She's one of my favorite author's of the King Arthur genre, in that she includs history, romance, lust, war, and magic into her writting. These two books cover the Arthurial legends, from when King Arthur is first found by Merlin, until after the fall of Avalon.
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